Sunday, August 5, 2012

You Think I Should Conduct a BA Assessment? Really?

by Kitty Hass

Have you just assumed responsibility to a team of BAs?  Have you had a group of BAs for a while, but you are still not sure of their capabilities?  Then, our BA Individual and Workforce Capability Assessment is made for you. 
  • Each of your BAs receives two reports, a benchmarking report showing how their capabilities stack up against their peers, and the second is a personal professional development plan containing proposed learning and development suggestions.
  • You receive a summary report providing you with a snapshot of your BA workforce benchmarked against other BA teams in your industry.
Bonus: Kitty Hass is available virtually to help you understand your assessment results and develop learning and development plans for each participant, and/or for the BA lead.

If you would like sample reports from a BA Assessment, please leave a comment here or send an email to

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